Monday, October 1, 2007

Extreamly Bored...

Ok... well I really don't know what to say, but I am thinking of doing something cazy... I don't know how many people are going to view by blog.. so what I was thinking, I would just wait to do and see what happens.

Ok, well it drives me crazy when two of your friends are arguing and both of them want you on their side, and you have no idea what to do. lol I know this is stupid, but right now my two friends are going at it and both want me on their side, and I figure the best thing to do is to be on neither ones side, it's quite stupid. lol I know stuipd huh? lol soo I will have a better post mext time. byes everyone! time for bed for me! ;)


AE said...

ahh that sux. I hate it when that happens!
usually I decide who is right..but I have to have valid reasons and all. like..grow up ppl! LOL

Amanda said...

Haha yeah seriously! lol